Q: What excites you the most about joining Alloy 26?
A: Oh so much! But mostly the people. I’m so intrigued and interested in what everyone does here and can’t wait to learn more about everyone!
Q: How do you like to start your workday?
A: I wake up each morning to a hot cup of coffee while I walk on the treadmill. I love starting my day with caffeine and silence.
Q: What three items would you take with you to a deserted island?
A: An ax, a tent and some way to start a fire but otherwise take your time trying to find me so I can enjoy the sunshine.
Q: If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
A: I would LOVE to be able to read minds. Not for any malicious reason but mostly just out of curiosity. I would definitely need the ability to turn my superpower off!
Q: What do you like to do when you’re not in the office? Do you have any hobbies, etc
A: I spend my time being bullied by my 12 year old twin girls, snuggling with my 6 year old son, herding chickens in my backyard, soaking up sunshine in the pool, baking sourdough bread that I can’t eat because I have a gluten allergy, playing pickleball obsessively, paddle boarding, lifting weights or reading a novel.
Q: What is your personality type? (take the quiz here! – Why you should discover your personality type)
A: Protagonist ENFJ-A
Q: If people have any questions about their membership, amenities, or events, how can they reach you?
A: My email is: ayee@alloy26.com or come find me in my office or front desk, I love visits!
Q: What is a fun fact about yourself?
A: I’m all business, all the time.
Q: Do you have a personal or life motto? Or favorite quote?
A: Not so much a life motto or anything but I just discovered this idea of Ominous Positivity. Like “You will be fine, because you have no choice” or “Everything will turn out okay, you cannot stop it” or “Better days are already coming, it’s too late now”. And for some reason, this just cracks me up and feels right to me 😊
Q: What is your go-to workout at Union Fitness?
A: Squat, bench, deadlift, or overhead press + some accessory work. I like the efficiency of compound exercises, so I keep it pretty simple these days.

Q: Is there anything else you would like to share?
A: My life story, but it might be too long to share here so just come by and say hi!