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Meet Fitry – Alloy 26 Events & Operations Specialist

Welcome to our new Events and Operations Specialist, Fitry Lentz! Get to know her more in this Q and A.

Q: What excites you the most about joining Alloy 26?
A: What excites me the most about joining Alloy26 is that it’s located at a very gorgeous corporate campus! Getting up and going to work happy is a priority for me, especially knowing that the people and community are always welcoming. I first found my passion in Public Relations & Marketing when I worked for my college, California State University of Sacramento. This passion grew even stronger when I worked for, Pacific Workplaces, a coworking company in Las Vegas. The coworking industry makes my heart happy because I get to always have human interactions, assist with and host events, and overall, networking!

Q: How do you like to start your workday?
A: I usually start my workday with a cup of iced matcha latte.

Q: What three items would you take with you to a deserted island?
A: My three items to take would be a huge blanket, a machete, and a portable bidet.

Q: If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
A: Mind reading, the art of mentalism! I am such a people pleaser most of the time and I would like to know if what the person I'm interacting with is thinking/feeling.

Q: What do you like to do when you’re not in the office?
A: When I am not in the office, I would stay at home and cook! I usually make Indonesian, Hawaiian, Italian, and Indian dishes. If I decide to go out, I would go hiking with my dog, Rex, water skiing or paddle boarding. On certain weekends, you can find me at the shooting range, driving range, or the golf course with my husband.

Q: What is your personality type? (take the quiz here! – Why you should discover your personality type)
A: I am an ESFJ – T, The Consul.

Q: If people have any questions about their membership, amenities, or events, how can they reach you?
A: You can reach me through my email: or via Slack. You can also find me at the Alloy 26 front desk and chat with me in person!

Q: What is a fun fact about yourself?
A: I am an Islander mutt (Indonesian, Samoan, and Middle Eastern). I always tell people I’m a proud Islander, but I’m scared to say that I cannot swim to save my life.

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